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Stages of Reverse Osmosis Systems - Vita Filters

Stages of Reverse Osmosis Systems

Reverse osmosis systems offer a more advanced treatment process than carbon filtration only or entry-level pour-through pitchers. At the heart of the system is a reverse osmosis membrane that removes impurities as small as an atom. Drinking water passes through a series of sediment and carbon RO filters before and after the RO membrane to eliminate any unwanted tastes and odors and provide fresh water.

3-Stage Reverse Osmosis System:

  1. Carbon Prefilter: Reduces elements that cause unpleasant taste and odor, such as chlorine.
  2. RO Membrane: Filters out dissolved solids, including various contaminants like radium, lead, and arsenic.
  3. Carbon Postfilter: A second activated carbon filter that further enhances the water's clarity and taste.

4-Stage Reverse Osmosis System:

  1. Sediment Prefilter: Screens out microscopic particles like dirt, sand, and rust.
  2. Carbon Prefilter: Reduces elements causing unpleasant taste and odor, including chlorine.
  3. RO Membrane: Filters out dissolved solids and contaminants.
  4. Polishing Filter: Another activated carbon filter that ensures crystal-clear water.

5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System:

  1. Sediment Prefilter: Screens out microscopic particles like dirt, sand, and rust.
  2. Carbon Prefilter: Reduces elements causing unpleasant taste and odor, including chlorine.
  3. Second Carbon Prefilter: Further reduces taste and odor of chlorine and other contaminants.
  4. RO Membrane: Filters out dissolved solids and various contaminants.
  5. Polishing Filter: A second activated carbon filter that ensures crystal-clear water.

The additional stages in the 4-stage and 5-stage systems, such as the sediment prefilter and second carbon prefilter, provide an extra level of filtration to remove more impurities and improve water quality. The sediment prefilter helps protect subsequent filters and the RO membrane by removing larger particles, while the second carbon prefilter enhances the removal of taste, odor, and chlorine. The overall result is cleaner, purer, and better-tasting water.

When choosing between these systems, consider the quality of your water source, the specific contaminants you want to remove, and your preferences for water taste and clarity.

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