Reverse Osmosis Vs. Water Filter: Know Their Differences
You may be wondering what all the fuss is about water filters and reverse osmosis systems and how they may water better. Both are water filtration devices that use separate technologies to achieve a similar goal: turn impure water pure.
What Is a Water Filter?
A water filter is a household device that is designed to separate solid impurities from water. Water filters are a great method of removing chlorine, particles, and sediments from water. They are easy to install and maintain and can be used to clean any type of water. Water filters come in different sizes, and you can easily find one that meets you and your family’s needs.
What Is a Reverse Osmosis System?
Reverse osmosis is a modern water filtration system. It employs a technology that separates solids and dissolved minerals, and organic compounds from water, making it cleaner. This system is designed to remove more contaminants from your water and can pull out as small as .001 microns. The resultant effect is fresh, odorless and tasteless water, void of any kind of impurity.
Differences Between Reverse Osmosis and Water Filters
Here are the major differences between reverse osmosis and water filters to help you make an informed choice.
- On one hand, water filters physically strain dirt and sediment particles from the water, but they do not remove dissolved chemicals. Reverse osmosis utilizes a polymer membrane that removes dissolved chemicals, salts, sediment particles and dirt down to the molecular level.
- With a regular filter, the sieve can get clogged with dirt particles and sediments as the water passes through. With reverse osmosis, all impurities are collected and separated through a drain, extending its life span.
Pros and Cons of Using Water Filters
Water filters provide an easy, low-maintenance solution for people who want clean water without having to do too much work. They require very low water pressure to operate, use far less water than reverse osmosis systems, and can remove chlorine and sediment from your water. They are also easy to install and maintain and come in various sizes to fit your needs.
While carbon filters are a vast improvement over no filter at all, they have their drawbacks. One of the biggest is that they only remove particles as small as .5 microns in size. This leaves your water with a slightly improved taste and odor, but it's not as clean as a reverse osmosis filter. Another is the fact that water filters require more frequent replacements.
Pros and Cons of Using Reverse Osmosis Systems
Reverse osmosis systems are a great choice for people who want to reduce the levels of arsenic, lead, and other heavy metals in their water. These filters remove a wider range of contaminants than other types of filters, making them a great choice for people who are concerned about the quality of their water. They last longer than water filters do.
The downside of this system is that it is more expensive than water filters; it cannot work without the right water pressure, it demands more maintenance and uses more water.
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