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Maximize Efficiency: How to Prevent Scale Buildup in Commercial Steam Equipment

Maximize Efficiency: How to Prevent Scale Buildup in Commercial Steam Equipment

Keep Operating Full Steam Ahead

You might think your commercial steam equipment has a dual purpose—cooking your food or heating liquids while purifying the water running through it due to the high temperatures. However, steam is actually a major culprit in scale buildup, which can negatively affect your equipment’s efficiency and performance over time.

When water turns into steam, contaminants and chemicals don’t just disappear. Consider your tea kettle: have you ever noticed a chalky white residue inside after boiling water? That’s limescale, or mineral deposits, left behind after the water evaporates. This happens because water boils at a lower temperature than minerals like calcium and magnesium, which remain in the kettle.

While limescale isn’t a health risk, it can be a significant issue for your equipment.

The Impact of Scale Buildup

To recap: calcium and magnesium are the two most common minerals found in hard water. If left untreated, hard water causes scale buildup in steam equipment, leading to clogged systems, increased cleaning and maintenance, reduced operational efficiency, corrosion, and a shorter lifespan for your equipment.

Take steam ovens, for example. Just 1/8th inch of scale can increase energy consumption by 25%.* Steam and combi ovens are essential for retaining flavor and nutrients, but they’re also costly to replace. Constantly replacing them due to hard water issues can take a toll on your business’s bottom line.

Water Treatment Solutions

Here are some effective technologies for dealing with hard water in steam equipment:

  • Reverse Osmosis (RO): RO systems push water through a semipermeable membrane, removing 97% or more of the impurities. Systems like the Everpure EZ-RO also save up to 50% of water, making them ideal for boiler-less and flash steam equipment.

  • Inhibiting Technology: This method reduces chlorine in your water while suspending calcium minerals, allowing them to be flushed out when the boiler is drained. It’s recommended for boiler steam applications, but not for combi ovens.

  • Filtration: Some systems are designed to filter out even the smallest particles. The Everpure Kleensteam® combines carbon filtration with inhibition technology to remove more contaminants for enhanced protection.

  • Softening: Softening systems remove calcium and magnesium ions, which contribute to limescale buildup. While softening doesn't address Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) or other minerals, it’s an excellent pretreatment. Pairing a softening system with a high-efficiency RO system creates a comprehensive solution for clean water and long-lasting equipment.

Now that you know your options, keep your commercial kitchen running smoothly with Everpure and OptiPure steam solutions.

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